Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Neighborhood Crime Update

I just received an email from the President of Hope Ferry Plantation in Lexington and he has informed me that their neighborhood has experienced vandalism again. Their neighborhood was hit Sunday (March 13th) night. From what he understands, one car was stolen and several cars and trucks were ransacked (the doors were unlocked).  They suspect the work was done in the early morning hours.

On another note, Friday, March 11th there were 2 African-American young men soliciting in their neighborhood. They have “No Solicitation” signs and the men were advised of the signs, but continued to go door to door. One of the homeowners called the Lexington Police non-emergency line and reported the solicitors and an Officer arrived very quickly. They are not sure if the officer got the names of the solicitors, but will keep me posted.  Were the solicitors canvassing the neighborhood? That's hard to tell, but I don't believe in coincidences like this. The solicitors were in the neighborhood Friday night and early Monday morning/late Sunday night vehicles were broken into and one vehicle was stolen. 

As a reminder, I strongly urge you to make sure your vehicles are locked at all times of the day and night. As an added safety measure I recommend keeping your flood lights and/or porch lights on throughout the night. Please refer to the previous Blog Update regarding crime prevention.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please do not hesitate emailing the Association at lexingtonhillspoa@gmail.com

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